Saturday, April 9, 2011

Fog on the Mississippi River

The Mississippi River is well known for being very foggy. These photos show the fog from the 25th floor of a hotel building. Looking down on the fog is a strange sensation like looking down on another planet.

In the past, the Mississippi River was full of steamboats, rafts and other boats carrying people and goods up and down the river. The fog was very dangerous and as shown in the movie, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, people had to ring a bell as they drifted along on the water during foggy times so they wouldn't crash into one another.

Today the Mississippi River is still a very busy transportation center for many boats, ferries, barges and tugboats. On foggy mornings, transportation still stops until the fog lifts.


  1. What a beautiful view! I would like to visit there :)

  2. I want to visit there,and I want to take a picture.

  3. I understood why it was happened many accidents by ship in Mississippi river after I looked those pictures!

  4. What a mysterious and beautiful view.
    Like a in dreaming.
