Saturday, April 9, 2011

Mardi Gras World

Blaine Kern's Mardi Gras World is a fun place to visit in New Orleans. Many of the floats that are seen in the Mardi Gras parade are built at this location. After the parades are finished the floats are stored in the large warehouse. Some are used again and others are recycled and made into new floats for the next year. Visitors watch a short film on the history of the Mardi Gras celebration as they taste the traditional King Cake, try on costumes, go on a tour and then have a chance to walk around the floats in the warehouse. Even the tour tickets are fun--a Mardi Gras bead necklace.


  1. Part of Mardi Gras World was the workshop where they repair old floats and build new floats. It was interesting to see how floats are built and see drawings of new float ideas.

  2. I want go to Mardi Gras World. I think this picture is very beautiful.

  3. Your daughter is very cute!!
    If I go to New Orleans, I want to visit there.
